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Axial angular contact ball bearing
Angular contact ball bearing units ZKLFA..-2Z, double direction, for screw mounting, gap seals on both sides
Product information

Main Dimensions & Performance Data
d | 6 mm | Bore diameter |
0.002 mm | Bore diameter upper tolerance | |
-0.003 mm | Bore diameter lower tolerance | |
D | 24 mm | Outside diameter |
0 mm | Outside diameter upper tolerance | |
-0.01 mm | Outside diameter lower tolerance | |
B | 15 mm | Width |
0 mm | Width upper tolerance | |
-0.25 mm | Width lower tolerance | |
Ca | 6,900 N | Basic dynamic load rating, axial |
C0a | 8,500 N | Basic static load rating, axial |
Cua | 385 N | Fatigue load limit, axial |
nG Grease | 19,900 1/min | Limiting speed for grease lubrication |
nϑ | 12,000 1/min | Thermally permissible speed |
≈m | 59 g | Weight |
Mounting dimensions
da min | 9 mm | Minimum diameter shaft shoulder |
da max | 18 mm | Maximum diameter of shaft shoulder |
t1 | 0.1 mm | Position tolerance |
M4 | Screw size | |
na | 4 | Number of screws |
d1 | 14 mm | Rib diameter inner ring |
rmin | 0.3 mm | Minimum chamfer dimension |
r1 min | 0.6 mm | Minimum chamfer dimension |
B1 | 6 mm | Thickness of flange |
d2 | 4.5 mm | Fixing boring diameter |
J | 32 mm | Pitch circle diameter (holes) |
A | 27 mm | Flange width |
Temperature range
Tmin | -30 °C | Operating temperature min. |
Tmax | 120 °C | Operating temperature max. |
Additional information
MRL | 0.02 Nm | Bearing friction torque |
caL | 200 N/µm | Rigidity axial |
ckL | 8 Nm/mrad | Tilting stiffness |
Mm | 0.0044 kg*cm2 | Mass moment of inertia |
2 µm | Axial runout | |
ZM06 | Recommended INA precision locknut for radial locking (not included) | |
MA | 2 Nm | Tightening torque nut |
2,404 N | Locknut force axial |
Your current product variant
Sealing | 2Z | Minimal gap seals on both sides |